SC List of Islamic Fund

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

List of fund (* for Islamic Fund) as stated in Security Commission (Suruhanjaya Sekuriti) Malaysia as at 31 March 2010

Item no 41, 42, 43 & 46 for ASN, ASB, ASW & ASD


PG said...

TQ Bro Lukeman for the good info sharing...Best of luck Sir :)

Admin said...

Doc, I have learned how to clean ourselves with you. Thank you Doc

PG said...

Dear my brother..
Tuan tak belajar apa2 pun dari saya..saya yang banyak belajar dari tuan..Terima kasih Tuan atas persahabatan ini...:)

treec00l said...

Salam bro,

list tu pasal ape ye?

tajuk die x de sebut ape2 pasal Shariah-Compliance UT.

tq in advance :)

Admin said...

List fund/unit trust mengikut Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia & yang bertanda * adalah Islamic fund

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